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Heist against Heretics
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Top-down view and character obstruction
April 15, 2022
Purplane Studios
One of the challenges of developing a top-down game is keeping the main character in view. Some of the objects, such as walls, going to obstruct the character. Obvious answer is to hide or make see-th...
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Story could change how you play the game
April 15, 2022
Purplane Studios
#Game Narration, #Game design
Designers and developers need to be able to think like storytellers. – Emily Ronan As a game development team, its the primary objective is to create an entertaining experience for the player. But...
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Game Design: Explaining the Sanity System
April 15, 2022
Purplane Studios
#game design
Human sanity has always been a relevant theme in the cosmic horror genre. Heist against Heretics will integrate this theme through a resource called sanity . Sanity represents the protagonist’s psyc...
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Approach on level design of our game
April 15, 2022
Purplane Studios
#Level Design, #Game design, #Levels
The level design that our team has decided on is to make it linear paced story progression. Our main objective is to showcase that our game is an action adventure stealth genre, designing the level in...
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Singletons? Why? Why not?
April 15, 2022
Purplane Studios
#singleton, #technical jibberish
Singletons, is a programming design pattern used to make sure there is only one instance of something at a time. The single existence of something in code, allows everything else to hook into it and u...
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